The Best Personal Investment Books

The Investor Diary Entry #29: April 16, 2023

The term personal investment normally means personal development and a reader of this financial investment diary might wonder what has personal development to do with financial investment.

Any reader would directly find the link. Anyone who wants to succeed in anything needs to invest in his/her development in that field and in his/her mindset. Therefore, there is technical development and mindset development for a person to excel in any field.

In this entry I am going to mention the book list that I received from someone who I listen to and follow with regard to stock investment and I got from him what I call the best personal investment books.

This is not the first article, but this is the first corner stone that anyone should build before venturing into the world of investment. One needs to invest in him/herself first then think about investing in other businesses.

Mentors: Get A Mentor

One of the best ways you can invest in yourself is through getting yourself a mentor. This is not an easy step, but one that will help a lot.

For myself, I chose a mentor who does not know that I am being mentored by him. The bad side of this is that I don’t have the chance to ask about the things that I want clarifications on or more details to be able to understand. This mentor is someone I saw some videos he published, and I started following him.

It was through hearing him that I turned into value investing, but it was not through him that I turned into small cap companies within new industries. That is one very important point that every person should be aware of whether it is in investment or any other field.

By all means, have a mentor, follow a school, believe in a method, but do not forget that you have a brain that can produce its own thoughts.

Keep Reading and Read Some More

One of the things that I asked the person who I just called a mentor about suitable investment books. The way I put the question was the interesting point.

When I get the question from someone asking for advice of books to read within a certain field, my brain finds difficult to go and fetch for book titles. Therefore, I asked him if he was to build an investment faculty of university what would be the curriculum of the first semester.

He gave me a list of six books. Later I started adding to these titles. Once I finish those titles I will send him another question asking him to send me the list of books for the second semester.

Yet I don’t know when will that be. My life have been very busy and a lot has been happening in the last few months. I received the book list on the 14th of June 2022. I was only able to finish the first one and start with the second.

Why Being Lazy

Well, I was not really lazy, I was overwhelmed with very exciting major life events.

In those months I was in the process of reviving a social initiative that was deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. I got married and moved house. Those events made it very hard for me to follow a daily routine including my reading routine.

Still, some activities of my daily routine survived and I was able to do them, but the reading part suffered the most. Since it has been a very long time, I decided to start from the beginning.

Still, I was not that lazy, as I was reading other books in the mean time, some of them related to my own general mindset and other books related to a book club.

In the next section I will mention the list of books which I currently consider as the best personal investment books. They are the best for personal development in terms of investing in oneself. They are also the best to get to know the world of investment.

The List Of Books

The list of books which are considered to be the first semester of the investment discipline are as I said a list of six books. We are going to mention here only the first two books. If you want to start reading go ahead get them and start reading.

The reason why I don’t want to include all of them here in the same entry because it will make the article very ugly looking with the long list and images.

The second reason is that a gradual mentioning of the books is more logical. While I am reading them, I will also have thoughts that I want to share.

Mentioning them here will just act as filling the space and it will be of no use neither to myself as the writer of the entries nor for any readers who pass by to read my entries.

The Psychology Of Money

 – Richer, Wiser, Happier


Reading is one of the best ways for one to invest in oneself. In the world of investment, you need to have a reading list of a wide scope that would cover financial and investment theoretical and technical knowledge.

Your reading list should include mindset books. In a future entry, I will mention one book that I have within my daily routine that I read 10 pages from on a daily basis. My intention for this book is to keep reading it over and over.

I like the way it plays positively with my mind. Once I finish reading the 10 pages, I am motivated to do more and finish more tasks.

I wish I can have it as the first thing to do in the morning, but I cannot. Although, I am still working on establishing my daily and investment routines, but I cannot have reading a book as the first thing I do in the day.

Although I finished The Psychology of Money, but I am going to start one more time from there. I feel that I don’t remember what I read. Since it has been a long while since the last time I read my investment book list, I will start from the beginning.

Many people do not agree with the concept of reading as part of personal or professional development. They prefer other means. What do you think?

The Investor

Sunday 16 April 2023

About The Author

I started to look into individual stocks in January 2022. I created this diary initially for myself to track my investing progress, and second as a place that I can share my ideas publicly hoping that others will share their ideas and learn from each other, and lastly as an online business where some links that I share are affiliate links, and if anybody bought anything by clicking those links I will get a commission based on that successful sale, which of course will not affect the price that you are buying the product or service at.

For a more detailed information on my affiliate disclosure please refer to the Full Affiliate Disclosure page, and if you are interested in building your own online business you can check this post here.

Furthermore, this site is in no way or form is giving any financial or investing advice, nor it is encouraging or discouraging people to buy or sell any financial instrument. This is a personal diary in which I track my own progress and share for informational, educational and entertainment purposes.

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